Is Cameron Reneging On His Voters, Party & The Spirit Of Renegotiation


Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins – Greg_L-W.


Is Cameron Reneging On His PROMISE, his Voters, his Party & The Spirit Of Renegotiation

Published: August 13, 2015

The list of EU renegotiation demands shrinks and shrinks – it can’t shrink much further without vanishing

EU Exit

One fear among Eurosceptics is that the forthcoming EU referendum will be managed just like the last. David Cameron will go over there, ask for and then win a few small concessions, then come back and tart them up as an amazing deal to trick people into voting to stay in’ is a common refrain.

We should of course be watchful for just such an approach. The existence of Conservatives for Britain, who launched their recruitment drive yesterday, is welcome precisely because it helps to hold the Government’s feet to the fire, demanding that the Prime Minister live up to the original programme he laid out at Bloomberg (and that any deal should rest on the necessary Treaty change).

No-one knows exactly what the Prime Minister currently wants from the renegotiation. The Bloomberg speech went much further than many expected – not least in demanding an end to ever closer union – but since then the stated aims of the renegotiation have shrunk faster than the list of RSVPs for Liz Kendall’s next drinks party.

The Balance of Competences review instantly fumbled the crucial job of laying out the issues at stake. A year on from Bloomberg, Cameron was reduced to talking about changes of policy rather than changing the very nature of the project itself.

The shrinkage didn’t end there. To listen to discussions of the renegotiation over the last few months, you might think the EU issue was all about how much money migrants get in benefits. Fundamental questions of Britain’s place in the world, our right to democratically control our own affairs, the future of our industry, agriculture and fisheries and a host of others have largely vanished. While the words “migrants” and “welfare” didn’t appear at all in the Bloomberg speech, now they seem to be just about the only words Downing Street lists under “renegotiation aims”.

That is clearly insufficient. Whatever the British people and the Conservative grassroots might want from this EU renegotiation, they definitely want more than the Government seems to be asking.

On that basis, one can see why some are getting twitchy about a repeat of the small concessions/big boasts tactic deployed in 1975. There is at least one major reason why such a cunning trick could prove hard to pull off, though – the Prime Minister seems to be struggling to secure the small concessions bit.

The Government’s legal advisers have reportedly informed Downing Street that attempting to ban EU migrants from accessing various forms of welfare for four years would be discriminatory and therefore illegal under EU law. The only way Ministers could protect British people from funding such benefits would be to, er, also remove them from British people for the first four years of adulthood.

This is, of course, simply another symptom of the fundamentally flawed nature of the European project. Its very purpose and nature is to be anti-democratic, meddlesome and overbearing – which is why they are the only terms on which it can be judged to be very effective indeed at fulfilling its mission. To eurosceptics, the story is an apt demonstration of precisely why the EU is unacceptable in its current form and unlikely to agree to any kind of serious change.

To the Prime Minister, however, this is a further blow. If his demands have shrunk this far but are still hitting obstacles, how much further can they shrink while still existing? While it would be a difficult job to dress up an unsatisfactory deal as a great triumph, it would be impossible to perform the same feat by dressing up nothing at all.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE.


Greg_L-W. .

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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With an avg. 1.2M voters per MEP & Britain having only 8%, if united, say. The EUropean Parliament has no ability to make policy and has a Commission of unelected bureaucrats, thus clearly the EU is not even a pretence of being a democracy; yet it is willing to slaughter people in Sovereign States to impose democracy on them!
The imposition of a Government and policies upon its vassal regions such as the peoples of Greece shows just how far from being a democracy the EU is.There will be little or no change in Britain’s economic position, when we leave the EU and by then being a part of the Eropean Economic Area all will benefit, as we secure trade relations with the EU vassal regions and can trade and negotiate independently on a global stage.
One huge benefit will be that we can negotiate with bodies like the WTO, UN, WHO, IMF, CODEX and the like, directly in our own interest and that of our partners around the world in both the Commonwealth and the Anglosphere at large; rather than having negotiations and term imposed by unelected EU bureacrats.
The greatest change and benefit will be political, as we improve our democracy and self determination, with the ability to deselect and elect our own Government, which with an improved Westminster structure, see >Harrogate Agenda<.
How we go about the process of disentangling our future well being from the EU is laid out in extensive, well researched and immensly tedious detail see >FleXcit< or for a brief video summary CLICK HERE
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